Social Media

Ten Ideas For Posts On Your Facebook Business Page

Written by Miranda Jenkins
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Stuck For What To Post? – Here Are Ten Ideas For Posts On Your Facebook Business Page

I don’t know about you, but there are some days when I just can’t find the inspiration that I am looking for when I want to post on my Facebook Business Page. I usually have my best ideas when I am driving along in my car…but that isn’t the best time to be posting on Facebook! My timeline is full of interesting and engaging posts from other business pages, but I have to admit that sometimes I sit at my desk, racking my brains and digging deep for some inspiration. If you are like me you won’t want to post just any old drivel! The followers of our Facebook Business pages are important – they deserve interesting, relevant posts and quality content from us.

I was having just this conversation with a client the other day. They too were expressing how tricky it can be to come up with ideas for posts in between helping their customers, managing their admin and marketing their products and services. We are advised to post several times a week (some people manage several times a day!). As a challenge to myself, and to help my client I promised to send them a list of different posts so that they are never short of ideas again. The list I came up with included a lot of ideas that were very specific to their business and the Facebook audience they have. I’ve pulled out ten of the most generic ideas below so that you can have a think about whether they might work for your business page.

Product photo. Post a photo featuring a product or one of your services being used and a short description to tell your Facebook audience what is happening in the picture. If you are delivering a service you could take a picture of the service ‘in action’ (with your client’s permission of course). If you sell a product, then ask a customer if you can capture a shot of them using the product. This really helps with the psychology of persuasion (people like to see that others are people buy your products and services – this is called ‘Group Confirmation’ and you can read more about the psychology of persuasion here). This type of post also works well for new products or for showcasing a best-selling product.

The ‘sneak peak’. One of my colleagues has mastered the art of the ‘sneak peak’ photo. If you are working on something new or have been sketching or doodling some ideas, then why not take a picture of one small corner and upload it with a ‘coming soon’ message. It helps to build some suspense and interest. Facebook followers love this type of post.

A testimonial from a happy customer. Testimonials are very popular on the Internet at the moment. Google recognizes a testimonial, as does Facebook, and as such this kind of post will always have a better reach than your average post.

Location photos. If you travel with your work, then photos of where you have been working are always interesting for your page followers to see. Nearly everyone has a phone with a camera, so getting into the habit of snapping as you go will really help you to generate eye-catching images to accompany your posts. Posting photos of places where you are working also gives the impression that you are in demand, and people who have visited these locations too will enjoy commenting and liking. I’ve used this successfully by posting ‘Here I am arriving at [place]’. If I post this at the start of the working day, by the end of the day the post has usually generated quite a few likes and comments as people wish me good luck for the day ahead!

News posts. Anything new or forthcoming in your business makes for a good post. Again, mentioning new products, new staff, new services, anything new in fact! It makes your business seem progressive and interesting. You could post about a piece of work that you are building towards, or an exciting announcement that you will be making soon. It is all good for showing your business to be vibrant and buzzing.

Shared posts. Facebook loves people to share good content. If you find an interesting post, image, quote, article etc. on someone else’s business page, and if it is relevant for your audience then share it to your page. I’ve achieved some extraordinary viewing figures on my Facebook Business Page from sharing content in this way.

Blog links. If you write a blog and post it onto your website, then take the opportunity to write a post telling your Facebook followers that your latest blog is now live. Explain why you wrote the blog, why it is relevant for your audience and tempt them to click the link to view the blog on your website.

Free downloads. If you are creating great content as part of your marketing strategy then why not use your Facebook page to try and drive people to the place where they can download their freebie?

Videos. Facebook absolutely loves posts that contain video! You can upload a short video to your page relatively quickly and the reach you achieve with that post will usually be excellent. You don’t need to be a video maestro to create a short piece of film that your Facebook audience will enjoy. It could be a quick tip, an update, a short piece of training or some news. Video content is certainly gathering a lot of interest so why not use it on your Facebook Business Page?

Events & gatherings. Post pictures of events you’ve been to, people you’ve met, speakers you’ve seen. You can also post about events that you are going to attend, sharing the booking link so that your Facebook Page Likers can come along too.

Most of all – remember that Facebook is a social network.  Businesses started using it because it was an excellent way to make connections and build relationships with customers. But at its heart, Facebook is still a social place. Make your posts light, informative, interesting and personal. You are aiming to get as much engagement with your posts as possible (via Likes, Comments and Shares), so monitor which posts do well and take note of which posts achieve the best reach.

About the author

Miranda Jenkins

Miranda Jenkins is a successful business coach in the South West of the UK, running Skills to Go and her latest flourishing venture - Business Skills Studio - an online membership training resource for people looking to start and grow their own business.

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